GeoResources STC is an independent consulting company focused on hydrocarbon system exploration and development. It was founded in 2005 by members of the Basin Analysis Laboratory at the former Institute of Geology and Paleontology of the Heidelberg University and was located at Heidelberg University until end of 2017. GeoResources is a member of the network of science transfer centres of the Steinbeis Foundation (Stuttgart, Germany), which is focused on knowledge-transfer from universities into industry. GeoResources aims to transfer latest research knowledge into industry consultancy to improve the understanding, evaluation and exploration of georesources – mainly of hydrocarbon systems. GeoResources offers service and consultancy for industry in E&P projects of the Upstream business, but also performs R&D studies funded by industry or public authorities. Beside industry consulting GeoResources is involved in research projects in collaborations with researchers from several universities in Germany and abroad.
GeoResources is focused on energy research, mainly conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon systems, including reservoir and basin development, source rock analysis, hydrocarbon system modeling. Additionally projects focused on geothermal energy and ore deposits are performed. GeoResources activities are focused in three directions: 1) hydrocarbon exploration studies, mainly for industry but also public authorities, 2) development of hydrocarbon exploration strategies for industry or public authorities and supervision, evaluation and quality assessment of exploration projects done by third parties, 3) training courses for hydrocarbon industry and state authorities.