Integrated workflow from pore-scale to play-size for enhanced evaluation of unconventional shale plays


Benefits for HC Exploration

  • Innovative high-resolution analysis of kerogen and rock pattern in unconventional shale plays
  • Enhanced evaluation of hydrocarbon source rock potential based on Optical Kerogen Analysis and integrated organic maturation study
  • Quantification of net-TOC (productive kerogen) and definition of net-source rock units / pay zone
  • Integrated organic maturation analysis for better identification of maturation data, based on in-situ and recycled organic material
  • Detailed analysis of rock parameters from core to thin section and high-resolution SEM analysis
  • Upscaling of results from pore-scale to play size
  • Significant leverage for the client by integration of the entire services portfolio of GeoResources
  • Applying more than 10 years of industry experience in E&P ranging from technical to commercial aspects as well as project management



High-resolution Lithological Analysis


Optical Kerogen Analysis


Unconventional HC System Analysis

Key service offerings

  • Optical Kerogen Analysis for detailed HC source rock potential evaluation
  • Integrated organic maturation analysis for maximum accessability and reliability of maturation data
  • Multiple scale analysis of lithological properties
  • Integrated play assessment for shale gas / oil plays

High-Resolution Lithological Analysis

Thin section analysis focused on rock texture, microscopic structures, quantification of main mineral phases and in-situ distribution of organic matter and main mineral phases.

SEM/EDAX for high-resolution analysis of rock texture, in-situ distribution pattern and analysis of microporosity in rock matrix and organic matter.

Evaluation of in-situ microporosity within organic material where most shale gas/oil is trapped for estimation of unconventional HC storage capacity.

Petrophysical analysis of total microporosity and permeability.

TOC analysis for quantification of total organic carbon.

CNS analysis for information on the origin of organic matter and palaeoenvironmental conditions during shale deposition.

Integrated organic maturation analysis for better identification of maturation data based on in-situ and recycled organic material.

Clay mineralogy for quantification of swellable vs. non-swellable clay minerals.

Carbonate and quartz quantification for information on petromechanical patterns of shales.


Optical Kerogen Analysis

Optical analysis of kerogen isolated from the rock using different microscope techniques.

Identification of mixed kerogen, regarding mixed composition, preservation & maturation – impossible for bulk rock based geochmical analysis.

Detailed quantification of each single kerogen type within the total kerogen.

Quantification of productive versus unproductive proportions of the total kerogen.

Quantification of oil-prone vs. gas-prone kerogen within the productive kerogen.

Detailed analysis of preservation of each kerogen type – estimation of HC generation from oil-prone and gas-prone parts of kerogen.

High resolution analysis of organic maturation by two independent methods.

Detailed palaeothermal history and HC maturity.

Identification of different kerogens with different HC potential mixed within the total kerogen.

Data can be implemented directly into organofacies based HC system modeling.

Unconventional HC System Analysis

Integration of high-resolution data sets of rock properties and organic matter for identification of net-source rock units / pay zone.

Integration of multiple data sets into unconventional play assessment schemes, including all aspects of unconventional shale plays – from source rock potential to production related rock properties.

Even with poor and inconsistent data unconventional system analysis / play assessment can be done for enhanced play evaluation.

At GeoResources, full data integration covering as many disciplines as possible is prioritised versus large and overly detailed data sets missing essential parts such as Optical Kerogen Analysis.

Maximum turnout is guaranteed by tight interaction of highly experienced GeoResources staff enabling full integration of all available data sets – no data is left behind or aside!