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(past years)

PDF files are available for some presentations


Jäger, H.: Early transgressive vs. late transgressive oil shale deposits – new insights from optical kerogen analysis. AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, May/June2015, Denver, USA.

Brysch, S., Jäger, H.: New insights on the origin of amorphous organic matter (AOM) by optical analysis, DGMK/ÖGEW-Frühjahrstagung, Celle, April 2015

Jäger, H., Piecha, M.: New data on organic maturation of Carboniferous shales in the south-western North German basin, northern Rhenish Massif, DGMK/ÖGEW-Frühjahrstagung, Celle, April 2015

Jäger, H., Reutner, T., Brysch, S., Hoffmann, A.: Hydrocarbon potential of early transgressive vs. late transgressive black shales based on optical kerogen analysis (Lower Jurassic, SW-Germany), DGMK/ÖGEW-Frühjahrstagung, Celle, April 2015

Soyk, D., Grabowska, A., Wasielka, N., Fensterer, M., Bechstädt, T.: Diagenese und Reservoirqualität des Buntsandsteins im Bereich des Oberrheingrabens, DGMK/ÖGEW-Frühjahrstagung, Celle, April 2015


Jäger, H., Optical kerogen analysis: AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, April 2014, Houston, USA. Download presentation

Jäger, H., Organic maturation studies: AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, April 2014, Houston, USA. Download presentation


Jäger, H.: Optical kerogen analysis – a new workflow in unconventional shale play analysis, URTEC – Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, August 2013, Denver, Colorado, USA

Muñoz-Quijano, N., Bechstädt, T., Ronchi, P., Boni, M., Gutiérrez-Alonso, G.: Von einem dichten Carbonat zu einem porösen, potentiellen Reservoir: hydrothermale Dolomite im Paläozoikum Nordspaniens. DGMK/ÖGEW-Frühjahrstagung, Celle, April 2012


Wenke, A., Spath, F., Aichinger, J., Bissmann, S., Grobe, R., Kreuter, H., Lorson, Ch., Rohrer, L., Rothert, E., Schrage, Ch., Zöllner, E., Zühlke, R. et al., Geologische Erkenntnisse und neuere Entwicklungen im Erlaubnisfeld Groß-Gerau, Presentations, 6. Tiefengeothermie-Forum Hessen, 15.09.2011 Darmstadt

Kissner, T. & Zühlke, R., New Workflows in 3D Outcrop-analogue Reservoir Modeling. Proceedings, 73rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition, 23.-26. May 2011, Vienna, Austria, paper E014

Wenke, A., Zühlke, R., Jabour, H. & Kluth, O., High-resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Subsidence Analysis of the Tarfaya Basin, Morocco; Proceedings, DGMK-Frühjahrstagung 2011, 11.-12. April 2011, Celle

Kissner, T., Zühlke, R. & Bechstädt, T., New Workflows in 3D Reservoir Modeling. Outcrop Analogue Study of the Sobrabe Delta Complex (SDC), Ainsa, Tertiary Pyrenees Foreland Basin (PFB), Northeastern Spain; Proceedings, DGMK-Frühjahrstagung 2011, 11.-12. April 2011, Celle

Jäger, H., Pre-Tertiary Source Rock Potential in the Upper Rhine Graben – First Results; Proceedings, DGMK-Frühjahrstagung 2011, 11.-12. April 2011, Celle


Wenke, A., Zühlke, R., Boutib, L., Jabour, H., Kluth, O. & Schober, J., Sequence stratigraphy and evolution of the Tarfaya Basin, Morocco; Proceedings, 2nd Central & North Atlantic Conjugate Margins Conference, Lisbon, 29. September – 01. October 2010, pp. 289-293

Contreras, J., Zühlke, R., Bechstädt, T. & Bowman, S., Seismic stratigraphy and numerical basin modeling of the Southern Brazilian Margin (Campos, Santos & Pelotas basins); Proceedings, 2nd Central & North Atlantic Conjugate Margins Conference, Lisbon, 29. September – 01. October 2010, pp. 55-59

Wenke, A., Zühlke, R., Boutib, L., Jabour, H., Kluth, O. & Schober, J., Meso- to Cenozoic Sequence Stratigraphy of the Tarfaya Basin, Morocco; Proceedings, 72nd EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2010, Barcelona, 14.-17. June 2010, paper J011

Lewandowski, E., Zühlke, Jäger, H., Bechstädt, T., Leythäuser, T. & Aicha, R., Paleo-Mesozoic Development of the Reggane Basin, Southern Algeria; Proceedings, 72ndEAGE Conference and Exhibition 2010, Barcelona, 14.-17. June 2010, paper SP11

Kissner, T., Zühlke, R. & Bechstädt, T., 3D Reservoir Model of the Sobrarbe Delta System (Eocene, Ainsa Basin, Pyrenees Foreland Basin) – SobraRes Project; Proceedings, 72nd EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2010, Barcelona, 14.-17. June 2010, paper SP31

Contreras, J., Zühlke, R., Bowman, S. & Bechstädt, T., Seismic Stratigraphy and Numerical Analysis of the Southern Brazilian Margin; Proceedings, 72nd EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2010, Barcelona, 14.-17. June 2010, paper SP29

Contreras, J., Zühlke, R., Bowman, S. & Bechstädt, T., Seismic Stratigraphy and Integrated Reverse-Basin and Forward Stratigraphic Modelling of the Southern Brazilian Margin (Campos, Santos and Pelotas Basins); Proceedings, International Conference: Modelling Sedimentary Basins and their Petroleum Systems of the Geological Society, London, 03.-04. June 2010, p.12

Wenke, A., Kreuter, H., Gall, W., Gutekunst, S., Rohrer, L. & Zühlke, R., First steps in the development of a new geothermal field in the northern part of the Upper Rhine Valley; Proceedings, World Geothermal Congress 2010, Session 11 – Exploration, Nusa Dua, Bali, 25.-30. April 2010, paper 1170

Wenke, A., Dedera, S., Zühlke, R., Boutib, L., Jabour, H., Kluth, O. & Schober, J., Sequence stratigraphy and basin development – Tarfaya Basin, Morocco, Proceedings, AAPG 2010 Annual Convention & Exhibition, New Orleans, 11-14 April 2010, p. 272

Lewandowski, E. P., Zühlke, R., Bechstädt, T. & Wirth, S., Seismo-Stratigraphy and Basin Analysis, Reggane Basin (Paleozoic, Southern Algeria), Proceedings, AAPG 2010 Annual Convention & Exhibition, New Orleans, 11-14 April 2010, p. 147


Wenke, A., Gall, W., Gutekunst, S., Kreuter, H., Rohrer, L. und Zühlke, R., Tiefe Geothermie im Raum Groß-Gerau – Erkenntnisse einer ersten Reconnaissance Studie, Proceedings, der Geothermiekongress 2009, Bochum, 17-19 November 2009

Lorson C., Wenke, A., Bißmann, S., Kreuter H., Müller, A. und Zühlke, R., Erste Ergebnisse einer 2D-seismischen Erkundung im Raum Heidelberg, Posterpresentation, der Geothermiekongress 2009, Bochum, 17-19 November 2009

Rohrer, L., Wenke, A., Gall, W., Kreuter,H. and Zühlke, R., Untersuchungen zum Rotliegend-Reservoir im Nördlichen Oberrheingraben, Posterpresentation, der Geothermiekongress 2009, Bochum, 17-19 November 2009

Contreras, J., Zühlke, R., Bowman, S. and Bechstädt, T., Seismo-stratigraphic interpretation and basin modeling for key segments of the Southern Brazilian Passive Continental Margin, Abstracts and Field Guide, 6th Annual Conference of SEPM-CES – Sediment 2009, Kraków, 24-25 June 2009

Jäger, H., Spence, G. H. and Bechstädt, T., Sea level variations in Cap Carbonates from Namibia – Consequences for Neoproterozoic climatic changes, Abstracts and Field Guide, 6thAnnual Conference of SEPM-CES – Sediment 2009, Kraków, 24-25 June 2009

Lewandowski, E., Zühlke, R., Bechstädt, T., Böckmann, M., Sauerland, V. and Leythaueser, T, Sedimentary basin analysis and numerical modeling Paleozoic southern Algeria, Abstracts and Field Guide, 6th Annual Conference of SEPM-CES – Sediment 2009, Kraków, 24-25 June 2009

Wenke, A. Dedera, S., Zühlke, R., Kluth, O. and Schober, J., Mesozoic to Cenozoic evolution of the Tarfaya Basin, Morocco – an integrated approach, Abstracts and Field Guide, 6th Annual Conference of SEPM-CES – Sediment 2009, Kraków, 24-25 June 2009

Jäger, H. and Lampart, V., Palynology of the upper Silurian to Middle Devonian of wells from the Reggane Basin, southern Algeria, Proceedings, DGMK/ÖGEW-Frühjahrstagung 2009, Fachbereich Aufsuchung und Gewinnung, Celle, 27./28. April 2009


Peer-reviewed Journal & Edited Book Articles, Books


PDF files available for download below include the first page of each article.
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Lapponi. F., Bechstädt, T., Boni, M., Banks D. & Schneider, J.:Hydrothermal dolomitization in a complex geodynamic setting (Lower Palaeozoic, northern Spain).- Sedimentology, 61, 2, 411-443.


Limonta, M., Resentini A.,Andò, S., Vezzoli, G., Bandopadhyay, P.C., Najman, Y., Boni, M., Bechstädt, T., Garzanti, E.: Subduction complex provenance redefined: modern sands from the Indo-Burman-Andaman-Nicobar Ridge and Barbados Island.-Earth-Science Reviews, 08/2013, 123,113–132.

Avigad, A., Gerdes, A., Morag, N. & Bechstädt, T.: Coupled U-Pb-Hf of detrital zircons of Cambrian sandstone from Morocco and Sardinia: implications for provenance and Precambrian crustal evolution of North Africa.- Gondwana Research 21, 690-703.
Perejón, A., Moreno-Eiris, E., Bechstädt, T., Menéndez, S., Rodríguez-Martínez. M.: New Bilbilian (early Cambrian) archaeocyath-rich thrombolitic microbialite from the Láncara Formation (Cantabrian Mts., northern Spain).- Journal of Iberian Geology 38 (2), 313-330.


Wenke, A., Zühlke, R., Jabour, H. and Kluth, O., 2011, High-resolution sequence stratigraphy in basin reconnaissance: example from the Tarfaya Basin, Morocco: First Break, v. 29 (11), p. 85-96


Contreras, J., Zühlke, R., Bowman, S. and Bechstädt, T., 2010, Seismic stratigraphy and subsidence analysis of the southern Brazilian margin (Campos, Santos and Pelotas basins): Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 27, p. 1952-1980

Wipf, M., Glasmacher, U. A., Stockli, D. F., Emmerich, A., Bechstädt, T., Baur, H., 2010, Reconstruction of the differentiated long-term exhumation history of Ferteventura, Canary Islands, Spain, through fision track and (U-Th-Sm)/He data, International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geol Rundsch), v. 99, p. 675-686


Bechstädt, T., Jäger, H., Spence, G. and Werner, G., 2009, Late Cryogenian (Neoproterozoic) glacial and post-glacial succession at the southern margin of the Congo Craton, northern Namibia: facies, palaeogeography and hydrocarbon perspective, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, v.326, p. 255-287


Bollen, A., Wenke, A. and Biester, H., 2008, Mercury speciation analysis in HgCl2-contaminated groundwater – Implications for risk assessment and remediation strategies: Water Research, vol. 42, p. 91-100.

Feist-Burkhardt, S., Goetz, A.E., Szulc, J., Borkhataria, R., Geluk, M., Haas, J., Hornung, J., Jordan, P., Kempf, O., Michalik, J.,; Nawrocki, J., Reinhardt, L., Ricken, W., Roehling, H.-G., Rüffer, T., Torok, A. and Zühlke, R., 2008, Triassic, in: T. McCann, ed., The Geology of Central Europe: Mesozoic and Cenozoic, Volume 2, Geological Society London, p. 749-821.

Emmerich, A., Tscherny, R. Bechstädt, T., Büker, C., Glasmacher, U.A., Littke, R. and Zühlke, R., 2008, Numerical simulation of the syn- to postdepositional history of a prograding carbonate platform: the Rosengarten, Middle Triassic, Dolomites, Italy, in: P.L. de Boer, G. Postma, C.J. van der Zwan, P.M. Burgess and P. Kukla, eds., Analogue and Numerical Modelling of Sedimentary Systems: From Understanding to Prediction: Special Publication, International Association of Sedimentologists, v. 40.

Jäger, H., and McLean, D., 2008, Palynofacies and spore assemblage variations of upper Visean (Mississippian) strata across the southern North Sea: Amsterdam, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v. 148, p. 136-153.

Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Krzywiec, P., Zühlke, R., Maystrenko, Y. and Froitzheim, N., 2008, Permian to Cretaceous tectonics, in: T. McCann, ed., The Geology of Central Europe: Mesozoic and Cenozoic, Volume 2, Geol. Soc. London, p. 999-1030.

Veselovsky, Z., Bechstädt, T. and Zühlke, R., 2008, Structural, reverse basin and forward stratigraphic modelling of the Southern Cantabrian Basin, NW Spain, in: P.L. de Boer, G. Postma, C.J. van der Zwan, P.M. Burgess and P. Kukla, eds., Analogue and Numerical Modelling of Sedimentary Systems: From Understanding to Prediction: Spec. Publ., Int. Assoc. Sediment, v. 40., p. 65-96.


Boni, M., Terraciano R., Evans N., Laukamp C., Schneider J., and Bechstädt T., 2007, Genesis of vanadium ores in the Otavi Mountainland, (Namibia): Economic Geology, v. 102, p. 441-469.

Lapponi, F., Bakker R., and Bechstädt T., 2007, Low temperature behaviour of natural saline fluid inclusions in saddle dolomite (Paleozoic, NW Spain): Terra Nova, v. 19/6, p. 440-444.

Munoz-Quijano., I.N. and Gutierrez-Alonso., G., 2007, Topographic effects during a lithospheric delamination process: a simple model for the Variscan Orogen in NW Iberia: Studia Geol. Salmanticensia, v. 43/2.

Munoz-Quijano., I.N., and Gutierrez-Alonso., G., 2007, Model for the topographic evolution in NW Iberia during the lithospheric delamination at the end of the Variscan Orogeny: Geogaceta, v. 43.

Schneider, J., Boni, M., Laukamp, C., Bechstädt, T., and Petzel, V. , 2007, Willemite (Zn2SiO4) as a possible Rb-Sr geochronometer for dating nonsulfide Zn-Pb mineralization: examples from the Otavi Mountainland (Namibia): Ore Geology Reviews doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2006.05.012


Becker, F., and Bechstädt, T., 2006, Sequence stratigraphy of a carbonate-evaporite succession (Zechstein 1, Hessian Basin, Germany): Sedimentology, v. 53, p. 1083-1120.

Gasparrini, M., Bakker, R. J., and Bechstädt T., 2006, Characterisation of dolomitising fluids in the Carboniferous of the Cantabrian Zone (NW Spain): a fluid inclusion study with cryo-Raman spectroscopy: J. Sediment. Res., v. 76, p. 1304-1322.

Gasparrini, M., Bechstädt, T., and Boni, M., 2006, Massive hydrothermal dolomite in the southwestern Cantabrian Zone (Spain) and its relation to the late Variscan evolution: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 23, p. 543-568.

Jäger, H. and Wierich, F., 2006, Chapter 6.2 Palynostratigraphie, in Deutsche Stratigraphische Kommission, ed., Stratigraphie von Deutschland. VI – Unterkarbon (Mississippium): Schriftenreihe DGG., v. 41, p. 294-318.


Emmerich, A., Glasmacher, U. A., Bauer, F., Bechstädt, T., and Zühlke, R., 2005, Meso-/Cenozoic basin and carbonate platform development in the SW-Dolomites unraveled by basin modelling and apatite FT analysis: Rosengarten and Latemar (Northern Italy): Sedimentary Geology, v. 175, p. 415-438.

Emmerich, A., Zamparelli, V., Bechstädt, T., and Zühlke, R., 2005, The reefal margin and slope of a Middle Triassic carbonate platform: The Latemar (Dolomites, Italy): Facies, v. 50, p. 573-614.

Seeling, M., Emmerich, A., Bechstädt, T., and Zühlke, R., 2005, Accommodation/sedimentation development and massive early marine cementation: Latemar vs. Concarena (Middle/Upper Triassic, Southern Alps): Sedimentary Geology, v. 175, p. 439-457.


Jäger, H., 2004, Facies dependence of spore assemblages and new data on sedimentary influence of spore taphonomy: Amsterdam, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v. 130, p. 121-140.

Schneider, J., Bechstädt, T., and Machel, H., 2004, Covariance of C- and O-isotopes with magnetic susceptibility as a result of burial diagenesis of sandstones and carbonates – an example from the Lower Devonian La Vid Group, Cantabrian Zone, NW Spain: International Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 93/6, p. 990-1007.

Schneider, J., de Wall, H., Kontny, A., and Bechstädt, T., 2004, Magnetic susceptibility variations in carbonates of the La Vid Group (Cantabrian Zone, NW-Spain) related to burial diagenesis: Sedimentary Geology, v. 166, p. 73-88.

Zühlke, R., 2004, Integrated Cyclostratigraphy of a Model Mesozoic Carbonate Platform – the Latemar (Middle Triassic, Italy), in: B. D Argenio, B., A. Fischer, A., I. Premoli Silva and H. Weissert, eds., Cyclostratigraphy. An essay of approaches and case histories. Spec. Publ., Soc. Sediment. Geol., v. 81, p. 183-212.

Zühlke, R., Bouaouda M. S., Ouajhain, B., Bechstädt, T., and Leinfelder, R., 2004, Quantitative Meso-/Cenozoic development of the eastern Central Atlantic continental shelf, onshore Agadir Basin, Morocco: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 21, p. 225-276.


Gasparrini, M., Bakker, R. J., Bechstädt, T., and Boni, M., 2003, Hot dolomites in a Variscan foreland belt: hydrothermal flow in the Cantabrian Zone (NW Spain): Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 78-79, p. 501-507.

Leach D., Bechstädt T., Boni M., and Zeeh S., 2003, Triassic-hosted Mississippi Valley-type zinc-lead ores of Poland, Austria, Slovenia, and Italy, in: J. G. Kelly, C. J. Andrew, J. H. Ashton, M. B. Boland, G. Earls, L. Fusciardi and G. Stanley, eds., Europe´s Major Base Metal Deposits: Dublin, Irish Association for Economic Geology, p. 169-213.

Mundil, R., Zühlke R., Bechstädt, T., Peterhänsel A., Egenhoff, S., Oberli, F., Meier, M., Brack, P., and Rieber, H., 2003, Cyclicities in Triassic platform carbonates: synchronizing radio-isotopic and orbital clocks: Terra Nova, v. 15, p. 81-87.

Zühlke, R., Bechstädt, T., and Mundil, R., 2003, Sub-Milankovitch and Milankovitch forcing on a model Mesozoic carbonate platform – the Latemar (Middle Triassic, Italy): Terra Nova v. 15, p. 69-80.


Jäger, H., 2002, Palynology of the Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian) Kammquartzite Formation in the Rhenohercynian Zone, Germany: Frankfurt, Senckenbergiana Lethaea, v. 82 (2), p. 609-637.

Schneider J., Boni M, Lapponi F., and Bechstädt T., 2002, Carbonate-hosted zinc-lead deposits in the Lower Cambrian of Hunan (South China): a radiogenic (Pb, Sr) isotope study: Economic Geology, v. 97, p. 1815-1827.


Kuhlemann, J., Vennemann, T., Herlec, U., Zeeh, S., and Bechstädt. T., 2001, Variations of sulfur isotopes, trace element compositions, and cathodoluminescence of Mississippi Valley-type Pb-Zn ores from the Drau Range, Eastern Alps (Slovenia-Austria): implications for ore deposition on a regional versus microscale: Economic Geology, v. 96, p. 1931-1941.


Alvaro, J. J., Vennin, E., Moreno-Eiris, E., Perejon, A., and Bechstädt, T., 2000, Sedimentary patterns across the Lower- Middle Cambrian transition in the Esla nappe (Cantabrian Mountains, northern Spain): Sedimentary Geology, v. 137, p. 43-61.

Alvaro, J. J., Rouchy, J.M., Bechstädt, T., Boucout A., Boyer, F., Debrenne, F., Moreno-Eiris, E., Perejon, A., and Vennin, E., 2000, Evaporitic constraints on the southward drifting of the western Gondwana margin during Early Cambrian times: Palaogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 160, p.105-122.

Boni, M., Iannace, A., Bechstädt, T., and Gasparrini, M., 2000, Hydrothermal dolomites in SW Sardinia (Italy) and Cantabria (NW Spain): evidence for late- to post- Variscan widespread fluid-flow events: Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 69-70, p. 225-228.

Boni, M., Parente, G., Bechstädt, T., De Vivo B., and Iannace, A., 2000, Hydrothermal dolomites in SW Sardinia (Italy): evidence for a widespread late-Variscan fluid flow event, in Ph. Muchez and T. Bechstädt, eds., Special issue – Palaeofluid flow and diagenesis during basin evolution: Sedimentary Geology, v. 131, p. 181-200.

Grimmer, J. O. W., Bakker, R. J., Zeeh, S., and Bechstädt, T., 2000, Dolomitisation and brecciation along fault zones: Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 69-70, p.153-158.

Jäger, H., and Gursky, H.-J., 2000, Alter, Genese und Paläogeographie der Kammquarzit-Formation (Visé) im Rhenoherzynikum – neue Daten und neue Deutungen: Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft, v. 151, 4, p. 415-441.

Muchez, Ph., and Bechstädt, T., eds., 2000, Palaeofluid flow and diagenesis during basin evolution: Sedimentary Geology, Special issue, v. 131, 224 pp.

Perejon, A., Fröhler, M., Bechstädt, T., Moreno-Eiris, E., and Boni, M., 2000, Archaeocyathan assemblages from the Gonnesa Group, Lower Cambrian (Sardinia, Italy) and their sedimentological context: Boll. Soc. Paleontol. Italiana, v. 39 (3), p. 257-291.


Egenhoff, S. O., Peterhänsel, A., Bechstädt, T., Zühlke, R., and Grötsch, J., 1999, Facies architecture of an isolated carbonate platform: tracing the cycles of the Latemar (Middle Triassic, northern Italy): Sedimentology, v. 46, p. 893-912.

Zeeh, S., Kuhlemann, J., and Bechstädt, T., 1999, The classical Pb-Zn-deposits of the Eastern Alps (Austria/Slovenia) revisited: MVT deoposits resulting from gravity driven fluid flow in the Alpine realm: Ljubljana, Geologija, v. 41 (1998), p. 257-273.


Leyrer, K., Strohmenger, C., Rockenbauch, K., and Bechstädt, T., 1998, High-resolution forward modeling of Ca2-carbonate platforms and off-platform highs (Upper Permian, Northern Germany), in J. Harff, W. Lemke and K. Stattegger, eds., Computerized modeling of sedimentary systems: Heidelberg, Springer, p. 307-340.

Rüffer, T., and Bechstädt, T., 1998, Triassic sequence stratigraphy in the western part of the Northern Calcareous Alps, in P.C. De Graciansky, J. Hardenbol, T. Jacquin and P. Vail, eds., Mesozoic-Cenozoic Sequence Stratigraphy of Western European Basins: Tulsa, SEPM Special Publication, v. 60, p. 751-761.


Zeeh, S., Walter, U., Kuhlemann, J., Herlec, U., Keppens, E., and Bechstädt, T, 1997, Cement stratigraphy as a tool for fluid flow reconstruction: A study in parts of the Eastern Alps (Austria, Germany, Slowenia), in Montanez, J. M. Gregg and K. L. Shelton, eds., Basinwide diagenetic patterns: integrated petrologic, geochemical, and hydrologic considerations: Tulsa, SEPM Special Publication, v. 57, p. 167-181.


Geng, A., Warr, L. N., and Bechstädt, T., 1996, Clay mineral crystallinity of diagenetic grade Middle Triassic Muschelkalk of the Rhine Graben, Southwest Germany: Praha, Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geologica, v. 38 (1994), p. 193-201.

Rettori, R., Senowbari-Daryan, B. and Zühlke, R., 1996, Flatschkofelia anisica gen. et sp. nov. (Foraminiferida) from the Middle Triassic (Anisian) of the Northern Dolomites, Italy, Riv. Ital. Paleont. Strat., v. 102, p. 413-416.

Rüffer, T., and Bechstädt, T., 1996, Interpretation des Deckenbaus in den westlichen Nördlichen Kalkalpen: Widerspruch zwischen tektonischen und sedimentologischen Daten: Wien, Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundes-Anstalt, v. 138, 4, p. 701-713.


Bechstädt, T., Fischer, K. C., Marschall, R., Möller, U., and Zühlke, R., 1995, Seismic stratigraphy and its application in hydrocarbon exploration: Journal of Seismic Exploration, v. 4, p. 247-278.

Zeeh, S., Bechstädt, T., McKenzie, J., and Richter, D. K., 1995, Diagenetic evolution in carbonate platforms of the Carnian Wetterstein Formation of the Drau Range and Northern Calcareous Alps: Sedimentology, v. 42, p. 199-222.

Bechstädt, T., 1994, Short remarks on the Silurian to Devonian series, in T. Bechstädt and M. Boni, eds., Sedimentological, stratigraphical and ore deposits field guide of the autochthonous Cambro-Ordovician of southwestern Sardinia: Roma, Servizio Geologica nazionale, Mem. descr. Carta geologica d´Italia, v. XLVIII, 1/2, p. 147.

Rüffer, T. and Zühlke, R., 1995, Sequence stratigraphy and sea-level changes in the Early to Middle Triassic of the Alps: a global comparison, in: Haq, B.U., ed., Sequence stratigraphy and depositional response to eustatic, tectonic and climatic forcing. Kluwer/Amsterdam, p. 161-207.


Bechstädt, T., and Boni, M., 1994, Controls on the evolution of the Cambrian carbonate platform, in T. Bechstädt and M. Boni, eds., Sedimentological, stratigraphical and ore deposits field guide of the autochthonous Cambro-Ordovician of southwestern Sardinia: Roma, Servizio Geologica nazionale, Mem. descr. Carta geologica d´Italia, v. XLVIII, 1/2, p. 107-108.

Bechstädt, T., and Boni, M., 1994, Introduction and summary of previous work, in T. Bechstädt and M. Boni, eds., Sedimentological, stratigraphical and ore deposits field guide of the autochthonous Cambro-Ordovician of southwestern Sardinia: Roma, Servizio Geologica nazionale, Mem. descr. Carta geologica d´Italia, v. XLVIII, 1/2, p. 11-17.

Bechstädt, T., and Boni, M., 1994, Models on the geodynamic setting of southwestern Sardinia in early Paleozoic time, in T. Bechstädt and M. Boni, eds., Sedimentological, stratigraphical and ore deposits field guide of the autochthonous Cambro-Ordovician of southwestern Sardinia: Roma, Servizio Geologica nazionale, Mem. descr. Carta geologica d´Italia, v. XLVIII, 1/2, p. 185-186.

Bechstädt, T., and Boni, M., 1994, The Carboniferous to Triassic period, in T. Bechstädt and M. Boni, eds., Sedimentological, stratigraphical and ore deposits field guide of the autochthonous Cambro-Ordovician of southwestern Sardinia: Roma, Servizio Geologica nazionale, Mem. descr. Carta geologica d´Italia, v. XLVIII, 1/2, p. 149-153.

Bechstädt, T., Boni, M., and Fröhler, M., 1994, Facies development in early and middle Cambrian time, in T. Bechstädt and M. Boni, eds., Sedimentological, stratigraphical and ore deposits field guide of the autochthonous Cambro-Ordovician of southwestern Sardinia: Roma, Servizio Geologica nazionale, Mem. descr. Carta geologica d´Italia, v. XLVIII, 1/2, p. 47-106.

Bechstädt, T., Boni, M., Fröhler, M., Laske, R., Mitzel, S., Pillola, G. L., Balassone, G., and Russo, A., 1994, Recommended excursion stops, in T. Bechstädt and M. Boni, eds., Sedimentological, stratigraphical and ore deposits field guide of the autochthonous Cambro-Ordovician of southwestern Sardinia: Roma, Servizio Geologica nazionale, Mem. descr. Carta geologica d´Italia, v. XLVIII, 1/2, p. 281-389.

Bechstädt, T., Boni, M., and Laske, R., 1994, The Sardic unconformity, in T. Bechstädt and M. Boni, eds., Sedimentological, stratigraphical and ore deposits field guide of the autochthonous Cambro-Ordovician of southwestern Sardinia: Roma, Servizio Geologica nazionale, Mem. descr. Carta geologica d´Italia, v. XLVIII, 1/2, p. 109-114.

Laske, R., Bechstädt, T., and Boni, M. 1994, The post-Sardic Ordovician series, in T. Bechstädt and M. Boni, eds., Sedimentological, stratigraphical and ore deposits field guide of the autochthonous Cambro-Ordovician of southwestern Sardinia: Roma, Servizio Geologica nazionale, Mem. descr. Carta geologica d´Italia, v. XLVIII, 1/2, p. 115-146.

Russo, A., and Bechstädt, T., 1994, Evolucionn sedimentologica y paleogeografica de la formacion Vegadeo (Cambrico Inferior-Medio) en la zona entre Visua y Piedrafita do Caurel (Lugo, NO de Espana): Rev. Geol. Espana, v. 7(3-4), p. 299-310.

Zeeh, S., and Bechstädt, T., 1994, Carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn mineralization at Bleiberg-Kreuth (Austria): compilation of data and new aspects, in M. Boni, and L. Fontbote, eds.: Sediment-hosted Zn-Pb ores, Spec. Publ. 10, Soc. Geol. Applied to Mineral Deposits: Heidelberg, Springer, p. 271-296.


Fröhler, M., and Bechstädt, T., 1993, Sedimentäre Gefüge und Paläoströmungsdaten aus der unterkambrischen Nebida-Gruppe Südwestsardiniens (Italien): Stuttgart, Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, Teil I, 1992, H. 6, p. 645-662.

Kuhlemann, J., Zeeh, S., and Bechstädt, T, 1993, Datierung von Vererzungsphasen mit Hilfe der Zementstratigraphie: die Pb-Zn-Lagerstätten des Drauzuges (Österreich, Slowenien): Stuttgart, Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, Teil I, H. 6, p. 719-729.

Senowbari-Daryan, B., Zühlke, R., Bechstädt, T., and Flügel, E., 1993, Anisian (middle Triassic) buildups of the northern Dolomites (Italy): the recovery of reef communities after the Permian/Triassic crisis: Facies, v. 28, p. 181-257.


Fröhler, M., and Bechstädt, T., 1992, Calcimicrobial-archaeocyathan buildups at the instable northwestern platform margin of the Lower Cambrian Gonnesa Formation, SW-Sardinia (Italy): Stuttgart, N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh., 1992, H.5, p. 267-278.


Bechstädt, T., Boni, M., Iannace, A., and Köster, J., 1991, Upper Triassic organic-rich sediments from the Eastern Alps and the Southern Apennines: a model of source rocks within a carbonate platform system, in Bouma & Carter, eds., Amsterdam, VSP, Facies Models, p. 53-72.

Bechstädt, T., and Schweizer, T., 1991, The carbonate-clastic cycles of the East-Alpine Raibl group: result of third-order sea-level fluctuations in the Carnian: Sedimentary Geology, v. 70, p. 241-270.
Fröhler, M., Bechstädt, T., and Boni, M., 1991, Instabile Flanken einer Karbonatplattform im Unterkambrium Südwest-Sardiniens: Stuttgart, Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, Teil I, 1990, H. 11, p. 1493-1508.


Arribas, A., Bechstädt, T., and Boni, M., 1990, Stratabound ore deposits related to synsedimentary tectonics: Southwest Sardinia (Italy) and Sierra de Aracena (Spain), a comparison: Geolofgische Rundschau, v. 79 (2), p. 373-386.

Peryt, T. M., Hoppe, A., Bechstädt, T., Köster, J., Pierre, C., and Richter, D. K., 1990, Late Proterozoic aragonitic cement crusts, Bambua Group, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Sedimentology, v. 37, p. 279-286.


Bechstädt, T., and Boni, M., 1989, Tectonic control on the formation of a carbonate platform: the Cambrian of southwestern Sardinia: Society Economic Paleontologists Mineralogists, Special Publication, v. 44, p.107-122.

Bechstädt, T., Boni, M., and Selg, M., 1989, Shelf to basin transition in the Cambrian-Lower Ordovician of Sardinia (Italy). Discussion: Stuttgart, Geologische Rundschau, v. 78, p. 679-683.

Schweizer, T., Hagemeister, A., and Bechstädt, T., 1989, Zyklische Sedimentation von Siliciklastika auf eine Karbonatplattform: die Raibler Gruppe (Trias, Karn) im westlichen Oberostalpin (Österreich): Stuttgart, Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, Teil I, v. 1988,7/8, p. 871-884.