High-resolution Organic Maturation based on Vitrinite Reflectance and Palynomorph Colour Indices for maximum accessibility and reliability of maturation data
Benefits for HC Exploration
- digital image based VR analysis enables measurements of small vitrinite grains down to pixel-size (<10μm) without any side effects
- strongly improved interpretation of mixed VR data sets by identification of degraded and recycled vitrinite vs. in-situ vitrinite populations
- better identification of real vitrinite vs. vitrinite-like particles by image analysis
- VR analysis is limited by availability of vitrinite, which is not available before middle Silurian times and rare towards distal marine basin settings
- palynomorph colour indices are good alternatives for analysis of organic maturation and hydrocarbon generation levels, when vitrinite is absent
- combination VR / palynomorph colours minimizes uncertainty of maturation analysis by maximum application to different geological settings and reliability by data cross-check from both methods