Integrated Analysis of Reservoir Quality & Development – From Pore Scale to Reservoir Scale


Benefits for HC Exploration

  • Macro- to microscopic analysis of rock parameters from core to thin section – upscaling of results from pore scale to reservoir scale
  • Detailed macroscopic description of cores/cuttings or outcrops for a first approach on reservoir quality – selection of target areas and samples
  • Multiple microscopic analysis of thin sections for detailed analysis of reservoir relevant parameter like porosity, cements, rock composition
  • Scanning Electron Microscopy for high-resolution analysis of pore space, porosity development, cementation and composition by mineral mapping
  • Macro-CT for in-situ 3D analysis of plugs and cores (up to max 9,8’’) – visualization of isolated porosity and fracture networks and rock texture
  • Integrated lithological analysis (macro- & microscopic) for the definition of the reservoir potential of the different lithotypes
  • Quantification of net-reservoir units by
 identification of productive reservoir lithotypes within the reservoir formation
  • Outcrop analogue studies of reservoir units for better understanding of spatial development of reservoir quality
  • Spatial data integration – mapping and distribution of reservoir relevant parameters in 1D to 3D from local scale to basin scale


Core log

Outcrop and Well Interpretation


Microscopic Analysis – Petrography


Scanning Electron Microscopy – EDAX


Macro-CT – In-Situ 3D Analysis

Add Ons for reservoir and HC system analysis

Petrophysical analysis – enhanced analysis of reservoir properties like porosity, permeability, grain density, weight
Correlation of well logs with core descriptions –
definition of electric log facies to expand reservoir characterization into intervals without cores
Geochemical analysis (XRD, RFA) –
detailed quantification of mineralogy, particularly clay mineralogy
Palynostratigraphy and Integrated Sequence Stratigraphy –
correlation of reservoir units across the play/basin for play/basin wide reservoir modelling

Outcrop and Well Interpretation

Detailed macroscopic analysis and photo documentation of cores or outcrop sections

Analysis of core quality, pre-selection of plugs/samples

Macroscopic core description including rock type, color, texture, grain size and sorting, sedimentary structures, fossils and accessories presented as lithological log.

Macroscopic analysis of flow relevant pattern like fractures, porosity, cements and rock matrix (included in lithological logs)

Macroscopic definition of different lithotypes and evaluation of the specific reservoir potential of each lithotype

First approach on reservoir quality and quantification of productive net-reservoir lithologies within reservoir unit

Correlation of core analysis with well logs for definition of electric log facies to expand reservoir characterization to intervals with no cores

Outcrop analogue analysis to identify lateral and vertical heterogenities in facies, petrophysical properties and diagenetic overprint within the reservoir unit

High-resolution data sets of reservoir architecture and lateral/vertical distribution of key reservoir features for improved reservoir models to reduce exploration risk.

Reducing limitations and uncertainties of industry subsurface data sets due to the interpolation between wells and within 2D and 3D seismic data sets by outcrop-reservoir analogue studies

Microscopic Analysis – Petrography

Microscopic analysis of reservoir relevant rock pattern: mineralogical composition, diagenesis, cements/matrix, and rock texture (grain size, sorting, roundness)

Analysis of fluid flow relevant pattern: micro-structures, micro-fractures, porosity (volumen and connectivity)

Microscopic definition of lithotypes with specific reservoir potential for detailed reservoir evaluation

Thin section analysis by different microscopic methods

Normal light microscopy (normal & polarized light) for standard petrographical analysis

Cathodoluminescence microscopy for enhanced analysis of cements, diagenesis and mineralogical composition

Fluorescence microscopy for organic matter and enhanced carbonate (cement) analysis

Microscopy documented as digital images, enabling multiple image analysis like high-resolution composite pictures of samples, stacking of images from different microscopes for improved identification of mineralogy, cements and other features, digital porosity analysis

Scanning Electron Microscopy

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) plus EDAX analysis for high-resolution analysis of rock texture, diagenetic overprint, cementation and micro-fractures

Element mapping by EDAX analysis for detailed mineral and cement analysis

In-situ analysis of pore space and (micro)porosity development

Timing of different types of porosity and diagentic processes and its effect on reservoir quality

Macro-CT – In-situ 3D Analysis

Non-destructive high-resolution 3D analysis of rocks and cores up to full core size (max 9,8’’)

3D visualization and analysis of all structural and mineralogical features hidden in the core / sample

3D visualization of porosity and fracture networks isolated from rock matrix for better analysis lateral continuation and connectivty