GeoResources’ senior staff Dr. Hartmut Jäger has been appointed secretary of the CIMP Spore-Pollen Subcommission in September 2009 at the general meeting of the International Commission of Palaeozoic Palynology (CIMP) in Warsaw. The appointment will last for the next term of four years.
The Commission Internationale de Microflore du Paléozoique (C.I.M.P.) is an
international federation of palynologists interested in Palaeozoic palynology.
The commission aims to advance knowledge in palynology and related subjects by
the promotion of international co-operation and meetings between scientists of
all regions and countries. Therefore the C.I.M.P. arranges symposia and
working groups, dealing with various stratigraphical and taxonomic problems in
Palaeozoic palynology.