GeoResources will attend the GeoShale 2012 Conference, May 14-16 in Warsaw. This conference is dedicated to “Recent Advances in the Geology of Fine-Grained Sediments”
GeoResources´ member Hartmut Jäger will give an oral presentation on ” Black Shale Deposition on a Carbonate Platform (Aran Islands, Ireland) – Organofacies, Geochemistry and Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation” by Hartmut Jäger, Geoff Clayton & Robbie Goodhue. It is presented in the session “Accumulation of Muddy Sediments – Sedimentology of Fine-Grained Rocks” on Tuesday, May 15th, 9:30-9:50 h.
Also a poster presentation will be given on “Hydrocarbon Source Rock Potential of Lower to Middle Jurassic Black Shales in Southern Germany” by Hartmut Jäger. The poster will be on display during the three days of the conference. It is focussed on optical methods for source rock characterization of different black shale units in the lower to middle Jurassic in Southern Germany.