GeoResources will attend the Unconventional Research and Technology Conference, August 12-14 in Denver, Colorado, presenting a talk on “Optical Kerogen Analysis – A New Workflow In Unconventional Shale Play Analysis” and present its services at booth 1627 in the exhibiton hall.
GeoResources principal geologist Hartmut Jäger gives the oral presentation on “Optical Kerogen Analysis – A New Workflow In Unconventional Shale Play Analysis”. It is presented in Theme 3: “Shale Plays III: Going Global-New Unconventional Workflows, Integrated Sweet Spot Assessments, and Case Studies” on Tuesday, August 13, 2013. The talk will present GeoResources special workflow Optical Kerogen Analysis and its applications for shales gas Exploration as alternative to geochemically analysis of unconventional HC potential.
Additional GeoResources will present its services at booth 1627 in the exhibiton hall during all three days of the conference.
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