GeoResources will attend the 31st IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, June 22-25 in Krakow, co-organizing the Special Session 26 ‘Controlling factors on source rock quality and hydrocarbon generation during basin development – case studies from Europe’ together . This session aims to focus on the life-cycles of source rocks and hydrocarbon systems and their interaction with the life-cycle of sedimentary basins, pointing out new targets for future hydrocarbon exploration strategies. For further information on this session go to:

GeoResources principal geologist Hartmut Jäger presents a talk on “Source rock development infront of active continental margins – the Lower Carboniferous of the southern North German Basin, Germany” presenting new data on the development and hydrocarbon potential of Carboniferous ‘black shales’ in NW-Germany deposited infront of the prograding Variscan orogen. It is presented in Special Session 26 “Controlling factors on source rock quality and hydrocarbon generation during basin development – case studies from Europe”. Date and time is not fixed yet.

Additional a poster presentation is given on “Depositional systems in the Early Palaeozoic of NE-Poland – implications on hydrocarbon source rock development” by Katarzyna Sobczak, Hartmut Jäger & Joachim Szulc (Jagellonian University Krakow). The poster will be on display during the Special Session 26 “Controlling factors on source rock quality and hydrocarbon generation during basin development – case studies from Europe”. Date and time is not fixed yet.