GeoResources will be present on the DGMK/ÖGEW Spring Meeting, April 11-12, 2011, in Celle with three presentations. We are looking forward to meet you at our poster presentation booth on the 2nd floor …
Oral presentations include:
New Workflows in 3D Reservoir Modeling. Outcrop Analogue Study of the Sobrarbe Deltaic Complex (SDC), Ainsa Basin, Tertiary Pyrenees Foreland Basin (PFB), Northeastern Spain
by T. Kissner, R. Zuühlke, T. Bechstädt, D. Soyk
Tuesday, April 12, 11:00 h, Main Presentation Hall
High-resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Subsidence Analysis of the Tarfaya Basin, Morocco
by A. Wenke, R. Zühlke, H. Jabour, O. Kluth, J. Schober
Tuesday, April 12, 11:30 h, Main Presentation Hall
Poster presentations include:
Pre-Tertiary Source Rock Potential in the Upper Rhine Graben – First Results
by H. Jäger
Monday, April 11th, Poster Session (18-19 h)