Best wishes for a happy and prosperous year 2014 from the GeoResources team.
We are looking forward to continue our successful record of high-level exploration studies for the benefit of the challenges of your future exploration targets.01
Best wishes for a happy and prosperous year 2014 from the GeoResources team.
We are looking forward to continue our successful record of high-level exploration studies for the benefit of the challenges of your future exploration targets.01
GeoResources’ principal geologist Dr. Hartmut Jäger invited Prof. Terry Engelder, Pennsylvania State University, for a talk during his AAPG distinguished lecturer tour across eastern and central Europe, October 16, 2013.
As part of the public lecture series of the Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Heidelberg, Terry Engelder presents a talk about ‘The Middle Devonian Marcellus Black Shale Play as an Infrastructural and Geological Analogue for the World’s Gas Shale Play‘.
The talk will take place in the lecture theatre of the Institute of Earth Sciences, Im Neuenheimer Feld 234, 69120 Heidelberg, at 5:15 pm, October 16, 2013.
GeoResources will attend the Unconventional Research and Technology Conference, August 12-14 in Denver, Colorado, presenting a talk on “Optical Kerogen Analysis – A New Workflow In Unconventional Shale Play Analysis” and present its services at booth 1627 in the exhibiton hall.
GeoResources will attend the 29th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, September 14-16 in Schladming, co-organizing the session on ‘organofacies and organic geochemistry of European unconventional shale plays’ . This session is dedicated to the detailed analysis of the kerogen qualitiy and quantity for a better evaluation of the hydrocarbon potential of unconventional shale plays in Europe.
GeoResources principal geologist Hartmut Jäger is co-author of the oral presentation on “Organofacies and organic geochemistry“ the key to shale resource systems. A case study from the Ordovician/Silurian of the Podlasie-Lublin basin (Poland)” by Axel Emmerich & Hartmut Jäger. It is presented in the session “Organofacies and organic geochemistry of European unconventional shale plays (T7 S6)” on Tuesday, September 11th.
Additional a poster presentation is given on “Organic maturation in shale gas exploration – chances and limitations for vitrinite reflectance” by Hartmut Jäger & Axel Emmerich. The poster will be on display during the poster session of “T7 S6 Organofacies and organic geochemistry of European unconventional shale plays” on Wednesday, September 12th.
GeoResources´ deputy director Rainer Zühlke left GeoResources STC at July 31, 2012, and joined Saudi Aramco’s Research Center EXPEC ARC in Dhahran.
We are grateful for his engagement in GeoResources during the last 5 years and wish him all the best and lots of success for his new position in Saudi Arabia.
GeoResources will attend the GeoShale 2012 Conference, May 14-16 in Warsaw. This conference is dedicated to “Recent Advances in the Geology of Fine-Grained Sediments”
GeoResources´ member Hartmut Jäger will give an oral presentation on ” Black Shale Deposition on a Carbonate Platform (Aran Islands, Ireland) – Organofacies, Geochemistry and Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation” by Hartmut Jäger, Geoff Clayton & Robbie Goodhue. It is presented in the session “Accumulation of Muddy Sediments – Sedimentology of Fine-Grained Rocks” on Tuesday, May 15th, 9:30-9:50 h.
Also a poster presentation will be given on “Hydrocarbon Source Rock Potential of Lower to Middle Jurassic Black Shales in Southern Germany” by Hartmut Jäger. The poster will be on display during the three days of the conference. It is focussed on optical methods for source rock characterization of different black shale units in the lower to middle Jurassic in Southern Germany.
GeoResources´director, Thilo Bechstädt, has been awarded the Hans-Stille-Medal of the German Geoscience Society (DGG).
The Hans-Stille-Medal (donated in 1948) is the most prestigious award of the German Geoscience Society for outstanding lifetime achievements in geosciences. The medal will be presented to Thilo Bechstädt on the Annual Meeting of the DGG in Hannover, on October 2nd (GeoHannover 2012).
GeoResources´team heartly congratulates its director on receiving this prestigious award.
GeoResources will attend the DGMK/–GEW Spring Conference, April 19-20 in Celle.
There will be five oral presentations by GeoResources´members in the Petroleum Geology Session, covering reservoir & source rock characterization, basin development and numerical modeling. In addition, five poster presentations will be given, focused on outrcrop-reservoir analogues, static and dynamic numerical modeling. Case studies come from Germany, Spain, Italy, Morocco and Brazil.
We look forward to meet you in Celle.
Oral Presentations
Von einem dichten Karbonat zu einem porösen, potentiellen Reservoir: hydrothermale Dolomite im Paläozoikum Nordspaniens
by N. Muñoz-Quijano, T. Bechstädt, P. Ronchi, M. Boni, G. Gutiérrez-Alonso
Theme: Petroleum Geology
Thursday, April 19th, 16:00-16:30 h
Location: “Grosser Saal”
Geological Setting at the Eastern Central Upper Rhine Valley “a view into the” Heidelberger Loch
by A. Wenke, R. Zühlke, C. Lorson
Theme: Petroleum Geology
Friday, April 20th, 9:00-9:30 h
Location: “Grosser Saal”
Numerische Modellierung des Permokarbon im Nördlichen Oberrheingraben
by L. Rohrer, A. Wenke, R. Zühlke, F. Spath
Theme: Petroleum Geology
Friday, April 20th, 9:30-10:00 h
Location: “Grosser Saal”
Hydrocarbon source rock potential of lower to middle Jurassic source rocks in southern Germany
by H. Jäger
Theme: Petroleum Geology
Friday, April 20th, 10:00-10:30 h
Location: “Grosser Saal”
Numerische Modellierung des brasilianischen Kontinentalrands: Campos, Santos und Pelotas
by R. Zühlke, J. Contreras, S. Bowman, T. Bechstädt
Theme: Petroleum Geology
Friday, April 20th, 12:00-12:30 h
Location: “Grosser Saal”
Poster Presentations
“Seismic Scale” Sedimentgeometrien und Sequenzstratigraphie einer triassischen Karbonatplattform: Pale di San Lucano (Dolomiten, Italien)
by D. Soyk
Thursday, April 19th, 18:00-19:00 h
Location: Poster session, “Galerie”
Workflow in 3D modelling of anticline structures
by T. Kissner, R. Zühlke, T. Bechstädt, D. Soyk
Thursday, April 19th, 18:00-19:00 h
Location: Poster session, “Galerie”
Seismic Interpretation and High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Modeling of the Tarfaya-Laayoune Basin, Morocco
by G. Miernik, A. Wenke, R. Zühlke
Thursday, April 19th, 18:00-19:00 h
Location: Poster session, “Galerie”
Numerische Modellierung des Permokarbon im Nördlichen Oberrheingraben
by L. Rohrer, A. Wenke, R. Zühlke, F. Spath
Thursday, April 19th, 18:00-19:00 h
Location: Poster session, “Galerie” (related to oral presentation)
Hydrocarbon source rock potential of lower to middle Jurassic source rocks in southern Germany
by H. Jäger
Thursday, April 19th, 18:00-19:00 h
Location: Poster session, “Galerie” (related to oral presentation)