GeoResources members will attend the “Geothermiekongress 2009†of the Geothermische Vereinigung e.V. / Bundesverband Geothermie from 17-19.11.2009 in Bochum/Germany.
MSc Axel Wenke will give an oral presentation about a Pre-Feasibility Study for a geothermal field in the Northern Upper Rhine Valley. The study has been carried out in cooperation between GeoThermal Engineering GmbH (Karlsruhe), Überlandwerk Groß-Gerau Gmb, GeoResources and the Institute of Earth Sciences at Heidelberg University. The study evaluates a Permian low-enthalpic geothermal reservoir based on vintage 2D seismic and well data.
As part of the same study, GeoResources member Lennart Rohrer will give the presentation “Untersuchung der Permischen Reservoirs im Nördlichen Oberrheingraben”. It includes results of 2D seismic interpretation in the Northern Upper Rhine Valley and outcrop-analogue studies in the Saar-Nahe-Basin.
GeoResources member Christian Lorson will give the presentation “Erste Ergebnisse einer 2D-seismischen Erkundung im Raum Heidelberg” with first results from a seismic campaign which was shot in April in the Heidelberg city limits. Main objective is the first geothermal evaluation of the lower Mesozoic low-enthalpic reservoirs in the area. The study has been carried out in cooperation between GeoThermal Engineering GmbH, DMT GmbH & Co KG, Stadtwerke Heidelberg–Netze GmbH, GeoResources and the Institute of Earth Sciences at Heidelberg University.
Further GeoResources Members will attend the meeting.